3 Tips That Will Help You If You Have Been In A Truck Accident
If you have been involved in an accident with a commercial trucker, here are three tips that will help you navigate the legal water that you now find yourself in as you try to seek compensation for what happened to you.
#1 Hold Their Trucking Company Responsible
The first thing that you can do is hold the trucking company that owns the truck that the trucker was driving responsible for what happened. Trucking companies can be held responsible for the actions of their drivers. This is called vicarious liability.
In these situations, you generally want to have an attorney investigate the working conditions of the trucker who hit your vehicle. Was the trucker working more hours than they should have been? Did the trucker get enough breaks? Was the trucker pushed to meet deadlines? Finding the answers to these questions, through the investigation and discovery process, can help prove vicarious liability.
#2 Use Criminal Convictions To Prove Fault
Second, you can use criminal convictions to prove the fault in your case. The police are going to look into your accident and investigate what happened. They will test the trucker for the use of drugs and alcohol. If the police end up bringing criminal charges against the trucker who caused your accident, it should be easy to prove in court that the trucker was responsible for what happened.
#3 Keep Track Of Damages
Finally, it is important that you keep track of damages. As you deal with the effects of the accident, keep a detailed record of all the medical treatment that you receive. Keep track of all the bills that come your way. You also need to keep track of the wages that you lose out on because of your injuries as well as everything in life that you are not able to participate in because of what happened to you.
One of the best ways to keep track of the pain and suffering that you experience is to keep a journal. Every day, write in the journal the ways the accident has impacted your life. For example, if you need assistance getting ready or if it takes you an hour to do a task that used to take you fifteen minutes. Or, if you are not able to do certain activity, make note of this as well. Keeping a detailed journey of how the accident impacted your life will help strengthen your case for pain and suffering and will make it relatively easier to attach a money value to what you are going through.
For more information, contact local professionals like Brownfield Law Office.