When Should You Get In Touch With A Family Lawyer?
Dealing with the legalities of family matters can be difficult, regardless of whether the situation seems adversarial or not. If you're worried about the potential implications of a decision you might be considering, it's worth seeking a consultation with a family lawyer. These four situations represent common problems that people will take to an attorney.
Child Custody and Support Issues
If there are questions about the custody of a child or the payment of child support, those are worth discussing with a family lawyer. That's particularly the case if there's no formal paperwork in place that clearly establishes custody and rights. It's important when a child isn't living in two-parent households that parties clarify where a kid will live, how their education will be paid for, and who has the final say on legal matters.
These issues can get more complex when a non-parent seeks custody. For example, aunts, uncles, grandparents, and even siblings may sometimes pursue custody of a child. If a case involves someone who's not part of the family, then you can expect to see the court apply significant scrutiny.
Bringing a child into your family seems like it should be a process that people want to work well, but you wouldn't know based on how challenging the adoption system can be. Depending on where you're adopting a child from, you may face a range of state, federal, and even international legal questions. The process also calls for providing significant documentation of things like financial fitness and physical health. Along the way, you can expect to file a lot of paperwork, too. It's wise to lawyer up if you're planning to adopt.
One parent moving, especially out of state, can be a problem when there's a custody order in place. Either of the parents and even the child has the right to petition the court to prevent a move that would make visitation harder. Whether you're looking to move or worried that your ex might move, you should meet with an attorney to iron out the details.
Emancipating a Minor
Setting up the legal framework for a child, usually a teenager, to be recognized as an adult can be a complicated issue. For obvious reasons, the court will want evidence that the minor will be financially independent the moment they're emancipated. Likewise, questions have to be answered about whether emancipation is really in the best interests of the child.
For more information about family law, reach out to a firm such as the Law Office of Greg Quimby, P.C.