How a Car Accident Lawyer Proves a Client Suffers From PTSD
In some instances, a car accident lawyer realizes that the vehicle collision has caused acute, long-lasting negative effects on the client's emotional state. Physical injuries, temporary disability, and the trauma of the accident have led to psychological issues such as general anxiety, unexplained panic attacks, and depression. The attorney may include an expectation for the automotive insurer to cover counseling sessions with a qualified practitioner.
Since insurance adjusters may be skeptical about the request to pay for therapy, the lawyer must verify the victim's psychological trauma. An evaluation by a psychotherapist would typically be the first step. Most commonly, this is a psychiatrist or a licensed psychologist. The attorney can schedule the appointment and even accompany the client if this would make the person feel more at ease.
Providing Relevant Information
Another method lawyers use is providing statistics and other relevant information about the connection between car accidents and post-traumatic stress disorder. The American Psychological Association considers vehicle accidents to be the most prevalent cause of PTSD in the non-military population.
Concrete Negative Effects
Car accident attorneys understand that symptoms of PTSD vary by the individual. The attorney might list specific details about how the client's emotional trauma has had debilitating negative effects. For example, the person may be terrified of riding in an automobile now, especially in the same area where the accident occurred. Sounds of brakes squealing or police sirens could be enough to trigger an episode of panic.
Other hallmarks of long-lasting trauma include insomnia, nightmares, frequent irritability, and anger outbursts. A person who previously was filled with energy and enthusiasm might now become withdrawn and uninterested in most activities. Some PTSD sufferers begin drinking too much alcohol every day to suppress unpleasant emotions.
Statements From the Social Circle
Statements from relatives, friends, and co-workers who have regular contact with this individual may also help persuade the insurance adjuster. Personality changes are noted. Some symptoms can make it difficult to hold down a full-time job or participate in ordinary social occasions. The work supervisor may confirm that this previously exemplary employee now has trouble completing assignments correctly and on time.
Beginning Emotional Recovery
A psychiatrist might recommend prescription medication until the patient learns effective strategies for managing anxiety and symptoms of panic. Several counseling sessions could be advisable, along with participation in a support group. The attorney may request further compensation for extra lost income as the client recovers emotionally.
Contact a car accident lawyer to learn more about this process.