Filing Bankruptcy Soon? Debts That Won't Be Discharged

If you’re amid significant financial difficulties, you’ll want to reduce your stress. It may be in your best interest to file for bankruptcy to help you do so. This is a process that will require a certain amount of time to achieve. However, you’ll want to keep in mind that there are specific debts that won’t be discharged even if you’re eligible for bankruptcy. 1. Student loans Do you have several student loans that you’re having issues paying?

Make Sure You Aren't Guilty Of Gender Discrimination

Gender discrimination is something you need to take seriously when you run a business. Making sure you and your company aren’t sued for gender discrimination goes far beyond not hiring someone specifically due to their gender. There are many other ways you can find yourself in hot water over gender discrimination if you aren’t careful and diligent about the goings-on within the company, starting with management going all the way down to the lowest-level employees.

3 Things To Know About Chapter 13

If you are in the initial stages of considering bankruptcy, you might be trying to compare Chapter 7 and Chapter 13. Both offer relief from debt problems, but each option is also very different. As you are comparing these two options, here are three important things you should realize about Chapter 13 bankruptcy that you might not already know. It is easier to qualify for When comparing the two branches, you will see that qualifying for Chapter 13 is usually considered easier than qualifying for Chapter 7.

Blood And Breath: What To Expect With Sobriety Testing

When you end up behind bars and charged with driving under the influence (DUI), your case depends on evidence. The state must be ready to show that you were intoxicated at the time of the roadside stop, and the blood and breath evidence are two strong ways this is accomplished. Read on to learn more about this form of DUI evidence and how the results can be skewed and inaccurate.

Common Myths Associated with Workers Comp Claims During Pregnancy

It is no secret that being pregnant or becoming pregnant during a worker’s compensation claim can make your case a little more complicated. However, you are just as deserving as fair treatment, and there are a lot of myths that can get in the way of you getting that fairness with your claim. Here is a look at some of the common myths associated with pregnancy and worker’s compensation.  Myth: Workers comp payments may be reduced if you are pregnant.

Fight Your Criminal Charges With A Private Criminal Law Attorney

When you are facing criminal charges, you are entitled to receive legal representation to fight your case. Whether this is your first offense or you have dealt with charges before, it’s important to consider hiring a private criminal law attorney to work with you on your charges. When your personal freedom is at risk, hiring the best representation you can will give you the attention you need to fight your case in court.

Exhaust Your Options Before Filing for Bankruptcy

It’s true that filing for a consumer bankruptcy may discharge a good chunk of or even all of your debts in some cases. That said, a bankruptcy is not a “get out of jail free” card. It is something that will stay on your financial record for years and may affect your chances of getting credit in the future. With that said, it’s a good idea to make sure you at least look into other potential options before going right to bankruptcy as your solution.

When Should You Get In Touch With A Family Lawyer?

Dealing with the legalities of family matters can be difficult, regardless of whether the situation seems adversarial or not. If you’re worried about the potential implications of a decision you might be considering, it’s worth seeking a consultation with a family lawyer. These four situations represent common problems that people will take to an attorney. Child Custody and Support Issues If there are questions about the custody of a child or the payment of child support, those are worth discussing with a family lawyer.

Fallen In A Major Retailer's Store? What To Do

Going out for a day of shopping shouldn’t mean that you return home with serious injuries. However, many people slip and fall in the retail stores they visit all the time. If something happens to you, you might experience pain and concern as you determine how to continue your life with injuries and new medical bills. Legal action could be discussed within your family. What should be among your first post-fall actions?

3 Things To Do When You're The Victim Of A Hit And Run Accident

Being involved in a car accident is scary enough, but it’s even worse when someone hits your car and then drives off. Instead of exchanging insurance information and having both drivers speak to the police like in a normal accident, you are left to navigate a difficult situation on your own. Luckily, there are specific things to do to take control of this situation. If you ever find yourself as the victim of a hit and run accident, just keep these important steps in mind:

What Is Reaffirmation Of Debt In Chapter 7 Bankruptcy?

Chapter 7 bankruptcy is a popular branch of bankruptcy, as it offers a lot of key benefits to those who file. If you are considering filing for this branch, you should fully understand the risks you take if you file as well as the benefits it will offer you. You should also understand what reaffirmation of debt means in this branch of bankruptcy. Reaffirming a debt may be something your lawyer suggests doing in your case, and here are a few things to understand about it.